
In order to manufacture products which require extremely fine tolerance, both equipment with high precision and highly skilled machinists are required. To meet this commitment, we have constantly introduced a wide variety of world-famous machining equipment such as turn-mill complex machines, CNC machining centers, welding machines, grinding machines, honing machines and lapping machines etc. These allow us to fully control accuracy.

Winner’s production line is fully equipped with a wide range of world-famous machining equipment.

machining center

To ensure Winner products achieve the dependable mechanical and physical properties, we have invested heavily in various heat treatment equipment for our production line to perform carbonitriding quenching, tempering and nitriding in house.
All parts are subject to metallurgical structure inspection, hardness test and constant fatigue test. Everything we do is to ensure each product from Winner will deliver the best possible quality you have come to expect.

Winner’s modern facility includes plating equipment which provides standard zinc plating and will provide zinc-nickel plating for cartridge valves. To ensure the plating quality, the chemical solutions are carefully analyzed by various tests. Zinc-nickel offers better resistance than standard zinc, with standard zinc protecting to 24 hours in salt fog and zinc-nickel protecting to 1000 hours.

Zinc-Nickel Plating

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